Why you need a Forest Master log splitter!

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Here at Arrows-UK, we only expect the best whether it’s our products or our service. Consequently, we believe you can’t go wrong with a Forest Master log splitter. Why? Well, in this blog I’ll run through their range and their services.

Table of contents:

Why Choose Forest Master?A brief overview of why we trust Forest Master (& you should too)
What Is The Best Forest Master Splitter?We’ll talk you through the best log splitters available
5 ton log splitter – FM5 & FM8The perfect entry-level machine
7-ton log splitter – FM10Whether it’s hardwood or softwood – it’s got it
8-ton log splitter – FM16The Flagship Machine – not one to be missed!
Vertical hydraulic log splitter – FM8VEForest Master’s most powerful engine
Kinetic Log Splitter3 second cycle time – yes – 3 seconds
DuoCut Blade & Ram StopThe foundations of the perfect machine

Why Choose Forest Master

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Before we touch upon individual products, let’s touch upon Forest Master itself. Firstly, with all of their products you receive lifetime access to technical support. So, whether you’re within your warranty or out of it – they’ve got your back. Moreover, they offer the opportunity to talk to the experts behind the machines; if you’ve got any questions – they’ve got you covered. They offer bespoke products with a bespoke service experience – what more could you want?

What is the best Forest Master Log Splitter?

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Well, if you’re asking what log splitter is best, that’s a question as individual as you. Ultimately, you can only answer this question by knowing your needs. Are you splitting hardwood? Then you’d benefit from a DuoCut blade and Ram Stop. Splitting mainly softwood – get something lightweight! However, in my opinion, if you’re going to invest in a splitter, why not get one that you can grow with?


A Forest Master Log Splitter not only offers a premium product but comes with world-leading service. If you’re going to invest in a Log Splitter, you may as well go with the best?

What are the different models?

FM5 & FM8

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The FM5 is lightweight, fast, and durable. It’s the ideal splitter for beginners with small to medium wood-burning stoves. With 5 tons of power & a 9 second cycle time, it’s perfect for softwood. The FM8 is the next step up from our FM5, it benefits from 5 tons of splitting power, a larger capacity for wood, and the ability to facilitate a DuoCut blade (we’ll come onto them later).


Both the FM5 & FM8 are great entry-level machines, perfect for softwood and small-medium wood-burning stoves. However, if you’re looking at splitting hardwood you may want to consider another machine.

DuoCut Blade & Ram Stop

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DuoCut blades are exclusive to Forest Master, and they’re one of the reasons why we love them so much. A DuoCut blade effectively doubles the power of the machine & gives it two opportunities to split. How? Well, if one side gets stuck at a knot, the other keeps going. The Ram Stop quickens up the splitting process, why? So, say you’d been cutting long wood all day, but then had some short pieces. It allows you to customize the log length and effectively quickens up the splitting time.


The DuoCut blade doubles the opportunities to split the log, streamlines the cutting process, and is crucial for any splitter (in my opinion). The Ram Stop reduces the travel time and enables to you get through wood piles quickly, no matter their size.

Forest Master Log Splitter: FM10

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The FM10 is the perfect splitting companion that every forestry fanatic can rely on. Why? Well, it has both 5-ton & 7-ton variations available. If you’re wanting a Forest Master Log Splitter, you can’t go wrong with this. It benefits from the DuoCut blade and the Ram Stop, a powerful combination. It also has a massive 430mm long length & 400mm diameter capacity alongside the ability to make kindling – it’s a good machine – but you can get better.

Forest Master Log Splitter: FM16

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The FM16 is our flagship machine, it truly is a beast. How many 8 ton splitters boast a DuoCut blade & a Ram-stop – better yet – it has two-speed functionality. Cutting softwood? Increase the speed and lower the pressure. Cutting hardwood? Increase the pressure and lower the speed. This machine is designed to streamline your splitting in a way that’s unmatched. Moreover, it’s got the biggest capacity for wood out of any of the horizontal splitters.


If you’re looking at investing in a Forest Master Log Splitter, you may as well invest in quality. It may seem like a big more capital, but if you’re serious about splitting – get a splitter that does the job! Get a splitter with a DuoCut blade & a Ram Stop, you’ll reap the rewards.

Forest Master Log Splitter: FM8VE

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If you’re looking for something a bit different, look no further than the FM8VE. With a market-leading 3000w motor (the most you can have on a 3-point plug) – it will get the job done. It also benefits from a ram/backstop to split your splitting time (see what I did there). Moreover, it benefits from a massive 1070mm capacity for wood – it’s truly second to none.

Kinetic Log Splitter:

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Again, if you’re wanting to split your cutting time, you’d love Forest Master’s Kinetic Log Splitter. Why? Well, it’s got a 3-second (yes… 3 seconds) cycle time. It’s designed to rip through seasoned or hardwood utilizing kinetic technology to do so. You really have to see it to believe it.


Consequently, if you want a different Forest Master Log Splitter – you can’t go wrong with these. Their kinetic log splitter will destroy any log pile with ease while their FMVE has an unmatched 3000w motor.

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